On The Right Mind is a women of color owned small business that provides Graphic Recording and Strategic Illustration to organizations and movements working towards social justice and creating a world where we all thrive.
We center building collaborative relationships with our clients where we can provide thought partnership, a supportive visual experience and a valuable visual output.
Grounded in values of : creativity, wholeheartedness & generosity and partnership, our goal is that people feel heard and seen through our work. Visualizing their truths and experiences to help reveal the group's collective wisdom in ways that foster imagination, clarity, connection and understanding that can help them move towards meaningful change.
Some of the amazing people and organizations we've worked with:
ACLU Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
Auburn Seminary Madre
Arcus Foundation MamaCash
California Immigrant Policy Center Malala Fund
Center for Action and Contemplation Move to End Violence Program
CIVITAS Public Affairs Narrative Initiative
Coalition for Women Prisoners Novo Foundation
Department of Health NYC Open Society Foundation
Department of Education NYC Parenting for Liberation
Donors of Color Network PAWHR
Hass Jr. Foundation Perigee Fund
Health Gap Prospera - International Network of Women Funds
Girls for Gender Equity Resonance Network
Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action State Innovation Exchange
Grantmakers for Girls of Color United Nations
Weissberg Foundation

Hello there! My name is Claudia.
I’m a Latinx visual facilitator and strategic illustrator. At the core my work is about creating connection and understanding. I do this by witnessing and deeply listening to people. Weaving their ideas, dreams and process and manifesting them into compelling visuals that support their journeys to advance change.
It is powerful and vulnerable work to hold, interpret and visualize people's stories while recognizing that their lived experiences and identities are different from mine. As such I work with humility and care. Acknowledging diversity and difference of race, gender, ability, language and power. I try my best to attend to them in ways that don't perpetuate dominant or oppressive narratives in my representations and partnerships with clients & facilitators; and invite people to talk to me and edit anything that may have been mis-represented. Holding my own blind-spots as opportunities to name and deepen conversations and for learning.
I was born and raised in Mexico and I currently live in Brooklyn, NY. I am fluent in English and Spanish and happy to support you in either language.
I am a mama to two amazing kids and a dreamer, tinkerer, Macgyverer and traveler.